Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR):
1-man CPR sequence (Victim is adult):
1. Check the victim’s responsiveness.
2. If unresponsive, call ambulance 995
3. Assess the victim’s AIRWAY: using head tilt chin lift or jaw thrust to open the airway.
4. Check BREATHING by look, listen and feel for ten seconds.
- Look for rising of chest
- Listen for sounds of breathing
- Feel for breath on your cheek.
5. If there is no breathing, give 2 slow breaths (mouth to mouth ventilation) and watch for chest rise.
6. If the chest rises, check for the CIRCULATION at the carotid pulse for 5 to 10 seconds. (N.B.If the pulse is weak and slow, do not start CPR. Wait until there is completely no pulse)
7. If there is no pulse, start CPR.
8. Locate the landmark for the chest compression.
9. To locate the landmark: Slide your fingers along the rib to the point where the lowermost ribs meet at the breastbone.
: Place your middle finger at this point and your index finger above it on the
lower breastbone.
10. Place the heel of the other hand beside your index finger. Then place the first hand you have used on top of your the other hand and interlock your fingers.
11. Compress the breastbone vertically 4-5 cm downwards for 15 times. (With timing of 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5…….and 15) and followed by 2 breaths. ( 1 cycle = 15 compression and 2 ventilations)
12. Check for pulse and breathing after 4 cycles.
13. If pulse and breathing are present, place the victim in the recovery position and check for the victim’s breathing and pulse after every minute.
14. If the pulse is not present, continue step 8-11.
15. If the pulse is present but breathing is absent give mouth to mouth ventilation of 12 breaths per minute. (Timing: Blow, 2 a thousand, 3 a thousand, 4 a thousand, 5 a thousand.) Then check for breathing again.
- If there is no breathing proceed with 12 ventilation per minute.
- If there is no breathing and no pulse, go back to step 8.
- If there are breathing and pulse , turn victim to recovery position and check for breathing and pulse after every minute until ambulance comes.
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